The Drawing Obsession
The Drawing Obsession
While a large retrospective is devoted to Günther Brus in Vienna in early 2018 to mark his upcoming 80th birthday, the BRUSUEM opens its rooms to a young generation of artists who have something in common with the ‘landlord’ Günter Brus – their obsession with drawing. On display are not only the wide variety of expressive forms offered by the medium of drawing, but also the process of drawing itself.
Photo by © UMJ /Nicolas Lackner
Young artists from Europe – including studio ASYNCHROME , Gabór Kóos and Marianne Lang – created new works in front of the public in the BRUSEUM, and thus break up the conventional structure found in exhibitions. Therefore, on the opening day, no single work was on show, given that the exhibition develops throughout its duration. In the narration studio ASYNCHROME devleloped „diary drawings“ on paper and a mural to bring the question about trasparency in our present in the foreground of discussion. The exhibition space as well as the drawings on the wall represent a fragmentary state. A rendezvous between Thatcher and Reagan is expected. – POW!
Video of the resurrection of studio ASYNCHROME´s walldrawing