Publikationen – Essay – Manifesto
SPIELZEITBUCH 19/20 – Schauspielhaus Graz
The new season book 19/20 from the Theatre Graz has been released with images from studio ASYNCHROME. Many Thanks Have a look…
On the Surplus Value of Graphic Novels in Architectural Education and Practice
Comics artists are both authors and visual artists. How do text and image relate in their work? What happens in the blank space between images? Those and other issues con-stitute the secret of comics, also referred to as the ‘ninth art’. Employed by architects, comics art can become an efficient form of applied art: buildings are brought to life, their real or fictional inhabitants reveal the stories ‘behind’ the architecture.
In May 2016, the House of Architecture in Graz hosted an exhibition on the surplus value of graphic novels in architectural education and practice. The catalogue edited by Mélanie van der Hoorn and studio ASYNCHROME invites to a further reflection on this theme.
buy Catalogue here: Link
NIEMANDSRÄUME – Eine utopische Spurensuche // No-Man´s Spaces – On the Tracks of Utopia
Abstract: Today the word „utopia“ is mainly used negatively and considered as a failed plan. As applied art, architecture can and could never position itself as critically as, for example, the visual arts. Meanwhile, the architecture is characterized by pragmatism, which gives building unconditional preference. So what else can the (architectural) utopia afford? The starting point for „No-Man´s Spaces“ is the assertion that utopia is not to be understood as a construction task – that is, as a failed plan – but as a tool to work critically, artistically and socially. Think in pictures, not in economic phrases, and allow designs that were never intended as real vision. „No-Man´s Spaces“ is a „graphic novel“, that is becoming increasingly important as an artistic form of expression in architecture.
This medium succeeds in showing the potential of architecture and inviting the viewer, image for image, on a journey into the past, the present and the future. „No-Man´s Spaces“ is a juxtaposition of individual architectural utopias and allows imaginary spaces to be experimentally experienced.
The book was published under the supervision of Prof. Hans Kupelwieser at the Institute for Contemporary Art Graz and with the help of the publishing house of Graz University of Technology in a first edition of 500 pcs.
schreibkraft – The feuilleton magazine *30
studio ASYNCHROME are the artists for the graphics of the 30th jubilee edition of the great Grazer Literary magazine “schreibkraft”
studio ASYNCHROME are Co-Publisher of „Talking with the pen. Drawing as a language„.
studio ASYNCHROME published together with Claudia Gerhäusser the book of the drawing action / workshop „Talking with the pen – Drawing as a language“ at Forum Stadtpark Publishers.
Here you can order the catalog: LINK / LINK 2
Here you can get more information (german language): LINK 3
studio ASYNCHROME contributed to the „Quer – Architecture and Urban Living“ magazine N° 18
‘An ordinary day with Cedric Price…’
studio ASYNCHROME´s contribution in the winter edition ‘QUER – Architecture and Urban Living’ – magazine N° 18′.
studio ASYNCHROME are showcased together with 6 international architects in the exhibition catalog Architekturstriper of the Nationalmuseum Oslo
studio ASYNCHROME: The Multitalented Youngsters
studio ASYNCHROME published in the magazine of the steirischer herbst 2015 – theorie zur praxis
studio ASYNCHROME published a spin off chapter of their comic manifesto “Niemandsräume / No Man´s spaces” in the magazin of the steirischer herbst 2015. The protagonists (alter egos) open a new door in the “space of collective memory”. Check out the link and have a virtual look on the magazine. For a print edition check out the homepage of the steirischer herbst: herbst shop
link: https://issuu.com/www.steirischerherbst.at/docs/sh15_magazin-einzelseiten/1?e=0
short making of: Niemandsräume – das verlorene Kapitel oder im Raum des Generators / No man´s spaces – the lost chapter or in the room of the generator – LINK
studio ASYNCHROME published in the print edition of Wandzeitung: ausreißer #66 – magazine theme UTOPIA NOW!
Prose graphics and essays.
The magazin is available at Graz Art Museum, Forum Stadtpark, steirischer herbst, House of Architecture Graz and many more…
Links: online contribution of studio ASYNCHROME
Links: the online edition of Wandzeitung: ausreißer #66 – UTOPIA NOW
studio ASYNCHROME published as participating artists in the drawn „Big Draw“-edition of Kleine Zeitung
Drawn articles of daily newspaper in Graz.
On the 02.10.2015.: studio ASYNCHROME participates at media center graz, drawing the Kleine Zeitung (daily Grazer Newspaper) – Big Draw edition! as part of 25 artists!
link: http://www.museumsblog.at/2015/10/02/wir-zeichnen-die-kleine-zeitung/
for online edition of the whole drawn newspaper: LINK
studio ASYNCHROME contributed an image of „Niemandsräume“ in Quer-Magazine 16 together with a book review.
Text of the review and photos by David Pasek
link to online review: http://www.quer-magazin.at/home/16-2015/407
more pieces/articles follow…