Autopropaganda - Exhibitions

Autopropaganda – Exhibitions

ASYNCHROME´s installation „Autopropaganda – or Capital is a bad Mediator“ was on tour during 2019-2022


art quater budapest, Are you sur you want to leave?

Budapest 19.03. – 22.05.2022

The exhibition at aqb is entitled “Are you sure you want to leave?” We are curious: what happens after the symbolic and actual breathturn? Phrasing an undefined and perhaps unanswerable dilemma, articulating or, if you like, overcoming uncertainty, the new title creates a common ground for the works. It refers to emigration, to symbolic quitting. The exhibition also includes works by a number of artists making their debut in Hungary, telling local and regional, personal and general tales of loud or quiet conflicts, of animals and people, of power and values – usually with ironic morals. In a polyphony of voices and with gravity, the exhibition shows the poetic and quotidian nature of artistic activity, the heroisation of work, but also the satirical mockery of this very heroism, whether it is a characteristic of recent or current managerial capitalism.


Krisztián KUKLA

Curatorial team of the OSTRALE Biennale O21:

Nataša BODROŽIĆ, Ivana MEŠTROV, Patricija GILYTĖ, Krisztián KUKLA

OSTRALE – Centre for Contemporary Art (Germany), Kaunas 2022 (Lithuania), slobodne veze (Croatia)

Budapest Brand, Goethe-Institut, Nemzeti Kulturális Alap, Österreichisches Kulturforum Budapest. The exhibition is part of the Flowing Connections cooperation project, co-funded by the Creative Europe program of the European Union.


OSTRALE Biennale O21, Breathturn

13. International Exhibition of Contemporary Arts
Dresden 01.07. – 03.10.2021

The OSTRALE Biennale O21 Breathturn international exhibition of contemporary arts has closed its doors on the 3rd of October 2021. During the 3 month opening period , 20.000 visitors have come to the exhibition venues in the Robotron Kantine, the Stadtentwässerung Dresden and the Gedenkstätte Bautzner Straße memorial museum, among them 2.500 students.

BREATHTURN – In the rivers north the future / I cast the net (Paul Celan)

Being human is not enough, and already too much. Sometimes we act like robots, but want to feel like animals. How can we breathe and rethink work and pleasure, art and industry, politics and poetics, when everything flows into each other, like streams into a river? Is the whole planet our home or just the square meters we occupy?

Between disorientation and reorientation, to find new directions and avoid dead ends, we need to breathe differently. We have to change our perspective and pay attention to those at the borders of our field of vision: the misfits, the oppressed, and the unknown, but also biospheres, buildings and social spaces. At the gate of a new, post-pandemic era, exhausted but hopeful, curious and ready for a change, the OSTRALE in 2021 explores the ways we coexist with our fellow humans, animals and our complex environment.

This theme is also the focus of Flowing Connections, a cultural cooperation co-financed by the Creative Europe program of the European Union, that played a vital role in the organisation of the OSTRALE Biennale O21, especially when it came to the curatorial process

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, the preparation and the opening of the exhibition. It also enables us to take a selection of the artworks presented in Dresden to exhibitions in Budapest, Split (Croatia) and the European Capital of Culture Kaunas (Lithuania) in the year 2022. The exhibitions are accompanied by other activities such as an artist in residence programme, workshops and symposia on issues of digitalisation, sustainability, communication strategies and inclusion.


Platforms Projects Athens 2019

Athens 16.05. – 19.05.2021

studio ASYNCHROME at Platform Project 2019 Athens presented by Kunsthalle Graz (LINK)

Infos and Artists list: LINK 1  /  LINK 2